About Our Products

The whole ethos of Nore Soap is about recycling products that are used every day, but are usually discarded afterwards. Our aim is sustainability and getting optimal use from these products. We are all about highlighting their benefits and using them soap is a great way to do this.

Beer Soaps:

The hops used in our beer soaps are traditionally used in the beer making industry. However, they were also used for herbal remedies “back in the day”.  They have been found to have amazing benefits for sensitive skin, acne and eczema due to the anti inflammatory effects of the oils and minerals present in the plant.

Along with the hops, we use only natural oils and essential oils to make our beer soaps. The hops are sourced from Carlow Brewing Company and Northbound Brewery, who are happy to see their waste beer and hops going to good use.

Coffee Soaps:

Just think of how much coffee we drink every day and much coffee grounds get discarded! Coffee grounds can be repurposed into an exfoliating scrub for your face and body, which is what we do. They help remove dirt and dead skin cells and promote overall skin health.

All the coffee grounds used in our soaps, are sourced from local coffee shops and bakeries. We have put them into our coffee soaps along with all natural oils and essential oils. The result is a great refreshing and exfoliating soap scrub for the shower.